Comfort Marcia Brock became the U.K.’s youngest Microsoft female engineer and followed up with being the first Black woman to complete the Cisco Wireless Networking qualifications.
Which surprised her and made her more determined to bring more women to STEM.
During her 20+ career Marcia has met with Jay Z, The Queen, The Smartest family in the world “The Imafidon's”, worked with Microsoft, Sony, banks, military, courts, local government, and businesses world wide.
Founding Smart” in early 2000, Marcia has been a part of numerous projects helping to bring the brand “Smart” and more to the world.
Marcia is now classed as a Thought Leader. Founding Trinity Collective, Smart World, SmartKid, Rock Brand, Brown Talent, London Bridge Ladies Who Latte, Co-Founder of WeRockTeam with movements called AllGirlsRock and AllBoysRock, Unity in the Community plus more.
“I do my best to solve the issues I see affecting the world, community, and people I love.” #MarciaBrock
Marcia’s ill health with cancer, lupus and EDS other invisible illness and disability has now done nothing more than make her more determined and focused.